Automotive computer diagnostics
Basic maintainence
About us

Our state-of-the-art diagnostic center allows us the full access we need to your autmobiles internal computers. The new Landrover autodiagnostic is the latest addition, featuring realtime data capture adaptation, clearing and the most comprehensive full system scan to-date.

Some of our other tools include the Launch X-431, Snapon mt2500, Assenmacher 5700 retriever and Snap-on microvat charging system. We can scan, adapt, charge or clear any car including the newest complex luxury cars i.e. Landrover, BMW, Audi, Volkswagon. While these computers allow us to access your cars internal computer, it takes a quialified technician to find the source of the problem, and while we do carry all the latest technology, the necessary experience, expertise and knowlege remain our most important tools.